23 september 2016
William Kaufman (One in the Chamber)
Johnny Strong (The Fast and the Furious, Black Hawk Down, Sinners and Saints)
Lance Henriksen (Aliens, Millennium)
Louis Mandylor (My Big Fat Greek Wedding 1 & 2, One in the Chamber)
Chelsea Edmundson (Gangster Squad)
Jaar: 2016

A Première TV Distribution Release

Collectie: 45 van 144

Daylight's End


De zon is giftig, het landschap dood. Drie jaar nadat een pandemie het gros van de mensheid in bloeddorstige kannibalen veranderde, gaat eenzame wolf Thomas Rourke (Johnny Strong - The Fast and the Furious, Sinners and Saints) op zoek naar The Alpha (MMA-ster Krzysztof Soszynski), het vampirische monster dat zijn vrouw en ongeboren kind vermoordde. Wanneer hij onderweg een jonge vrouw redt, dwingt zijn knagende geweten hem haar in veiligheid te brengen. Maar zo leidt hij ook een horde zonneschuwe menseneters naar de geheime schuilplaats van haar gemeenschap, aangevoerd door Frank Hill (Lance Henriksen - Aliens, Millennium). Om de rest een overlevingskans te bieden, moet een kleine groep zich opofferen om The Alpha in zijn hol op te zoeken en uit te schakelen...

William Kaufman (One in the Chamber) levert met Daylight's End een wurgende, postapocalyptische actiethriller af met schitterend gechoreografeerde vuurgevechten en toepasselijke desolate visuals. Kenners zullen de knipogen naar het werk van John Carpenter en genreklassiekers als The Omega Man, Assault on Precinct 13 en The Road Warrior zeker weten te waarderen.


  • Daylight's End and the creators know what their strong points are: action sequences and terrifying scenarios. Consistently uptempo and full of great musical selections, the film creates a compelling and thrilling atmosphere. And, this viewer will be first in line, when the film is released in home entertainment formats; this tense film is not to be missed.
  • Daylight's End is an exceptionally well made film. The budget was relatively low, but that isn't felt in the film, which appears to play out on an epic scale, with its convincing shots of deserted disaster areas and abundance of action and gunfire. Kaufman knows action, that's the genre he has primarily been working in up to this point, and he used that knowledge to make the action sequences in this film as cool and thrilling as possible.
  • One of the most striking elements of the film are the visuals. Kaufman has built a reputation creating slick, cinematic and equally gritty character-driven action with a definite air of coolness. This is made much easier when the star is Johnny Strong, who has to be one of the most underrated leading men in movies today. So for true action fans, horror buffs or anyone who still loves an authentic, exciting movie experience by great artists, Daylight's End is a real blast.
  • The movie is action-packed with plenty of violence and some cool weapons too so if you get to see the movie make sure you've got the sound turned up to 11 for maximum impact. Daylight's End brings the action goods with a badass hero in Johnny Strong, fast pacing and an unconventional script.
  • Pure Adrenaline and Carnage. This film sets a standard for indie projects with vision larger than their budgets. It rolls hard and fast and pays the consequences for that choice, but ultimately walks away a winner; combining the action-oriented sensibilities of Resident Evil with the world-building prowess of I Am Legend. A worthy edition to the ranks of apocalyptic thrillers, Daylight's End is sure for a cult following if not mainstream success.
  • One of the best things about this film is the action. The gun battles are meticulously choreographed and made with precision. The tactics are sound and the filmmakers have a clear familiarity with the weapons used. The fights are visceral and feel real, making them much more exciting than most of the CGI-laden films that regularly hit our screens these days.


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