- Release:
5 oktober 2015 - Director:
Colin Minihan (Grave Encounters 1 & 2)
- Cast:
Brittany Allen (Jigsaw, Bomb Girls, Dead Before Dawn)
Freddie Stroma (Pitch Perfect 1 & 2, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince , Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)
Michael Ironside (X-Men: First Class, Terminator Salvation, Starship Troopers)
Gil Bellows (Unthinkable, The Shawshank Redemption, The Weather Man)
Melanie Papalia (Smiley, American Pie)
Jesse Moss (Final Destination 3, The Big Year)
- Genre:
- Year: 2014
- A Première TV Distribution Release
A group of college friends travel to a secluded cabin in the woods for a weekend of partying. As the night is winding down, they notice something strange in the sky: A ball of fire descending through the air, crash landing in the nearby forest. They drive out to the crash site and what they find is the wreckage of an aircraft, along with a pair of footprints that lead out of the ship... back toward the cabin.
- 1nfluxmagazine.com: A film that looks amazing, has excellent performances and is well directed. Because of this gig I see way more films than your average person and yet I have absolutely no problem recommending Extraterrestrial.
- Horror.About.com: Once you accept it for what it is, Extraterrestrial is a real hoot, and you can take its silliness, genre clichés and horror movie logic in stride. Good performances all around, with surprising comedic relief from Michael Ironside. Tense but fun and cinematic with moments of humor.
- Joblo.com: The Vicious Brothers can craft a nifty suspense scene and they also get a lot of bang for their buck. Brittany Allen impresses as the lead girl, and though his character is often ridiculous, Michael Ironside rises to the occasion with a performance that he obviously had fun with.
- Blu-ray.com: Minihan wears his influences on his sleeve ("The X-Files" is a big one, with the feature often resembling a prequel to the hit show), and the picture is shot well by Samy Inayeh, who bathes the frame in red light and dark corners. It's an impressive looking movie, carefully exploring what the aliens are up to with bold light shows. The production also scores with Ironside, who brings thespian authority to the role of a gun-toting recluse who understands that the aliens aren't attacking, they're responding to a broken truce, complicating the situation for our heroes.
- Empire.com: The exact midway point between Steven Spielberg and Ed Wood, this a cheerily obvious schlocker.
- ScreamHorrorMag.com: Though they can't resist an anal probe sequence they do buck the Hollywood trend and have the confidence to ensure a suitably grim and downbeat ending finishing with a technically excellent final tracking shot enough to show that they've got an assured future in horror.
- TheHorrorClub.Blogspot.nl: Extraterrestrial is an intense stalk-and-slash flick. Visually and atmospherically, Extraterrestrial was pretty solid.
- UKHorrorScene.com: A slick, well directed alien movie that will enjoyed up by young and old horror genre fans. 8 out of 10.
- WeGotThisCovered.com: Extraterrestrial harkens back to a time when sci-fi movies could be both fun and horrific, finding success thanks to the Vicious Brothers' "no holds barred" filmmaking mentality. GOOD.
- Filmfracture.com: Extraterrestrial isn't the type of film that is going to give anyone nightmares, but it definitely has its scary moments. It has its share of jump scares, some of them cheap, but all are effective. There's plenty of creepy imagery in the film as well, with the aliens never being far from their prey. Extraterrestrial also features scenes of maddening suspense, especially in the sequences leading up to the actual abductions - there's some real terror there. The most unsettling thing about Extraterrestrial (or any alien abduction movie, for that matter) is the idea of being completely helpless as the aliens do whatever they want to their abductees. The helpless victim theme is more disturbing than any jump scare, and Extraterrestrial plays to that particular fear very well.
- BIFFF.net: De thema's van Signs en Steven Spielberg's War Of the Worlds, gemixt met de spanning van een David-Fincher-on-acid, dat geeft ongeveer de sfeer weer van Extraterrestrial. In deze slasher/sci-fi film, zien we hoe mensen ontvoerd worden door aliens en wat ze doormaken wanneer ze terug op aarde zijn. Achter deze scherpe sci-fi thriller zit niemand minder dan de Vicious Brothers. Dit olijke duo maakte furore met Grave Encounters, de grootste tegenhanger van Paranormal Activity zoals de Stones de grootste tegenhanger waren van de Beatles. Met andere woorden mannen met gevoel voor ritme, spanning en de gave van de betere found footage.
- Nocturna Madrid International Fantastic Film Festival 2014 - Nocturna Best FX Award
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