- Release:
9 september 2021 - Director:
Jill Gevargizian
- Cast:
Najarra Townsend (Me and You and Everyone We Know)
Brea Grant (Eastsiders, Lucky)
- Genre:
- Year: 2021
- A Première TV Distribution Release
The Stylist
Everyone dreams of being someone else, but for Claire, that dream goes from an obsession to a living nightmare. Her job as a hairstylist allows her to move in and out of other people’s worlds, but when the right target sits in her chair, she does more than observe the client’s life – she ends it and keeps a permanent souvenir. Her lonely life, meticulous method, and shocking secrets are suddenly thrown into turmoil when her regular client, Olivia, asks her to style her hair for her wedding.
- Imaginefilmfestival.nl: Als de levens van de twee vrouwen met elkaar verstrengeld raken, belandt de film pas echt op verontrustend terrein en wordt dan ook voor de kijker pijnlijk. De twee hoofdrolspeelsters zijn voortreffelijk.
- Bfi.org.uk: a cut-throat hairdresser horror story.
- Badfeelingmag.com: A haunting and empathetic serial killer thriller.
- Gobeyondtheveil.co.uk: her mix of surreal aesthetics and twisted, psychological horror is exactly what the genre needs right now.
- Bloodygoodhorror.com: An elegant crescendo of madness.
- Butwhythopodcast.com: The Stylist will surely make many horror fans’ “Best Horror Films of 2020” lists and I for one am extremely excited. 9/10.
- Cgmagonline.com: Gevargizian’s feature is terrifying and moody and dares us to sympathize with a psycho killer.
- Entertainment-focus.com: A seriously chilling horror that will linger on in your mind for days after you’ve seen it.
- Fleapitsandpicturepalaces.blogspot.com: destined to be one of the genre highlights of 2021.
- Haddonfieldhorror.com: a uniquely feminine and sympathetic take on the well worn obsessed female friend trope.
- Horrorcultfilms.co.uk: the best ending from any film of the festival.
- Horrorigins.com: A well-scripted, gorgeously shot film, oozing with pathos and human emotion. Add the film to your must-watch list for 2021.
- Loudandclearreviews.com: A suspenseful serial killer origin story that all horror fans should savor.
- Moviesinfocus.com: Richly layered and brilliantly characterised, The Stylist is a wonderful off-beat horror film.
- Ocmoviereviews.com: stunning performance by Townsend, the superb attention to detail.
- Itsblogginevil.com: clipping thriller with a hair-raising performance by Najarra Townsend.
- Warped-perspective.com: A thoughtfully-composed horror story, as compassionate as it is grisly, with careful, plausible characters and an ending which feels both incredibly OTT and somehow inevitable.
- Trueviewreviews.com: a psychologically complex macabre tale with richly developed characters.
- Themoviewaffler.com: boasts one of the most demented antagonists of recent horror movies, but also one of the most sympathetic.
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