- Release:
13 juni 2016 - Director:
Jon S. Baird
- Cast:
James McAvoy (X-Men: Days of Future Past, X-Men: Apocalypse, The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby, Victor Frankenstein)
Jamie Bell (Billy Elliot, Fantastic Four, Snowpiercer, Jumper)
Eddie Marsan (Jungle Book, Ray Donovan, Sherlock Holmes)
Imogen Poots (Need for Speed, 28 Weeks Later)
Pollyanna McIntosh (Filth, The Woman)
- Genre:
- Year: 2013
- A Première TV Distribution Release
Scheming Bruce Robertson (James McAvoy), a bigoted and corrupt policeman, is in line for a promotion and will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Enlisted to solve a brutal murder and threatened by the aspirations of his colleagues, including Ray Lennox (Jamie Bell), Bruce sets about ensuring their ruin.
- Cinemagazine 4,5 ster!! Met James McAvoy in de hoofdrol als de verknipte rechercheur Bruce Robertson neemt deze wervelende film je mee op een losbandige rit die gegarandeerd uit de bocht vliegt. De sterke cast is goed op elkaar ingespeeld en de dialogen en woordgrapjes flitsen razendsnel voorbij. Boven alles is het McAvoy die alles geeft, zonder gêne en zonder terughoudendheid, en daarmee 'Filth' naar een hoger niveau tilt. Lees de hele recensie hier.
- Rollingstone.com: McAvoy's bonkers brilliance will blow you away.
- Blu-ray.com: McAvoy's raging performance manages to keep "Filth" grounded with emotion, developing Bruce's ache as crisply as his lawlessness.
- Empireonline.com: A bulked-up James McAvoy dominates the screen in this razor-sharp Glasgow smile of a black comedy, packed with aberrant sex, hard drugs and maximum David Soul. And where Trainspotting was an ensemble piece, this is McAvoy's show, with a delirious, demonic performance that will surely see D. I. Robertson join Malcolm McDowell's Alex DeLarge and Tom Hardy's Charles Bronson in the pantheon of great British sociopaths.
- Influxmagazine.com: If you're a fan of Brit movies, Trainspotting, McAvoy or superb acting, then this is a film that shouldn't be missed. Filth is also a disturbing film, made easier to watch, thanks to the wicked humour and outstanding acting, but even if seen as a drama, it was still a tremendous movie. James McAvoy Gives His Best Ever Performance...
- Totalfilm.com: With McAvoy acting as if his life depends on it, Filth is the Irvine Welsh film we've been waiting years for. Tastier than a deep-fried Mars Bar.
- TheHollywoodReporter.com: Baird can be forgiven for a handful of careless and ham-fisted touches. Filth is still a hugely entertaining breath of foul air fueled by McAvoy's impressively ugly star performance.
- Telegraph.co.uk: Robertson himself is played by James McAvoy; his eyes hooded, his complexion Gollum-like, his beard a tone and texture that suggests it may have been recently used to scour out a deep-fat fryer. McAvoy, on his best form since Atonement, performs what might be the most dangerous balancing act by a leading man this year, teetering crazily between repugnant and pathetic without ever passing through likeable, and yet somehow never loses you in the process. loved every minute of Filth, and couldn't have stomached another second of it.
- Variety.com: Powered by a vigorous, image-shedding lead turn from James McAvoy as a coked-up Edinburgh detective on the fast track to either promotion or self-implosion, this descent into Scotch-marinated madness begins as ugly comedy, segues almost imperceptibly into farcical tragedy, and inevitably - perhaps intentionally - loses control in the process.
- Filmvandaag.nl: Filth is zeker een aanrader. Sarcasme en manipulatie voeren de boventoon, en de rol van James McAvoy is simpelweg briljant. Bovendien is het intrigerend om te weten te komen wat er achter het gedrag van Bruce schuilt. Ondanks de soms ietwat schokkende scènes weet deze film te boeien van begin tot eind.
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