- Release:
1 april 2021 - Director:
Bryan Bertino (The Monster)
- Cast:
Marin Ireland (Homeland, Hell or High Water)
Michael Abbott Jr.
Xander Berkeley (The Walking Dead)
Julie Oliver-Touchstone
- Genre:
- Year: 2020
- A Première TV Distribution Release
The Dark and the Wicked
On a secluded farm in a nondescript rural town, a man is slowly dying. Bedridden and fighting through his final breaths, he's a source of deep sadness for his wife, who's succumbing to overwhelming grief. To help their mother and say their goodbyes to their father, grown-up siblings Louise (Marin Ireland) and Michael (Michael Abbott Jr.) return to their family farm. It doesn't take long for them to see that something's wrong with mom, though—something more than her heavy sorrow. Gradually, as their own grief mounts, Louise and Michael begin suffering from a darknes' similar to their mother's...
- Volkskrant.nl: Schrijver en regisseur Bryan Bertino maakt van The Dark and the Wicked een indringende, onafgebroken sombere zit. 4 sterren.
- Filmtotaal.nl: Bertino speelt een geraffineerd spel met suggestie en creëert daarmee een intrigerend monster dat nét ongrijpbaar blijft. Wat The Dark and the Wicked bovendien ijzingwekkend maakt, is dat je al heel gauw doorkrijgt dat niemand veilig is.
- Telegraaf.nl: sfeervolle horrorvertelling.
- SchokkendNieuws.nl: The Dark and the Wicked is een ijzersterke mood piece die opbouwt naar een klassieke, misschien zelf iets té klassieke, horrorclimax.
- Trouw.nl: Flinke, ouderwetse schrikeffecten en vooral een allesoverheersend gevoel van angst, verval en het naderende einde. De angst is intens...
- Parool.nl: Een grimmige kermisrit, die het publiek in hoog tempo van de ene schok naar de andere voert. Het levert klamme handjes en hartkloppingen op.
- Movieaddicts.nl: The Dark and the Wicked is in potentie zo’n horror pareltje. Wat betreft de opbouw weet hij het de gehele film goed te doseren tot en met de bevredigende climax. Een aanrader voor iedereen welke een avondje ongemakkelijk zitten in de bioscoop wel kan waarderen.
- Cinemagazine.nl: een donkere en naargeestige psychologische horrorfilm die duidelijk boven het genregemiddelde uitsteekt. Een ideale film voor een regenachtige najaars- of winteravond waarop de wind hoorbaar over de daken giert.
- DeProtagonisten.nl: The Dark and the Wicked vonden we bovengemiddeld prima met een goede cinematografie.
- RogerEbert.com: This is an unsettling movie that is more admirably brutal than it is outright scary.
- 28dayslateranalysis.com: Very punishing in its seriousness and use of violence, The Dark and the Wicked will entertain.
- Austinchronicle.com: The Dark and the Wicked pulls no punches, either in its sense of perpetual unease, its occasional moments of understated yet truly stomach-churning gore, or in its emotional heft.
- Awardswatch.com: There's no doubt that it's the most terrifying tale of the supernatural subgenre told in a long time and one of the best horror films of the year.
- Backseatmafia.com: Bertino conjures up an atmosphere of suffocating fear. The Dark & The Wicked showcases the best in current genre cinema.
- Bostonhassle.com: A perverse delight, oozing with country-fried creepiness and some remarkable performances.
- Gmbacklot.com: It is rare that a film manages to cut deep into my core. It is a deeply disturbing nightmare that grabs for the jugular and does not let go for the over 90-minute runtime. While not an easy watch, for anyone that loves horror, this is a film that needs to be seen.
- Eyeforfilm.co.uk: With strong performances all round, this Fantasia 2020 pick is a fireside yarn of a film, a story to tell to one another as we huddle together against the dark.
- Elementsofmadness.com: It’s a dirty, gory, cruel film that many horror films are still too afraid to be at times. Horror in its purest form. With strong performances all round, this Fantasia 2020 pick is a fireside yarn of a film, a story to tell to one another as we huddle together against the dark.
- Fathersonholygore.com: The Dark and the Wicked is another awesome piece of work from Bryan Bertino. [He] looks at an evil so dark and so brutally oppressive there’s nothing that can save us, no god of any sort whose power can ward it off, and he pulls not a single punch doing it.
- Filmschoolrejects.com: The Dark and the Wicked is a true chiller that tightens its grip on viewers from the very first scenes and doesn’t let go until the end credits roll. Suffocating terror and nerve-wracking tension.
- Flickhunter.blogspot.com: Bertino builds the level of terror methodically keeping the audience on edge as the stakes rise in the final act.
- Haddonfieldhorror.com: Bryan Bertino’s latest film The Dark And The Wicked, playing as part of Fantasia 2020, is without a doubt one of the best horror films of the past five years. An exercise in dread (and scares) weaved into a story about grief, communication and guilt.
- Moviesinfocus.com: A well crated and intelligent horror film, The Dark And The Wicked is a strong and powerful slice of genre cinema which gets deep under the skin. It’s one of the best horror films of the year.
- Rue-morgue.com: a standout discovery at this year’s Fantasia, and takes an immutable place amongst 2020’s most frightening films.
- Scaredsheepless.wordpress.com: Sometimes, what you want from a horror film is for it to shake you, give your bones a good rattle and really go for something deeply unpleasant and profoundly scary. The Dark and The Wicked is one of those films.
- Screenanarchy.com: Perfectly set up, established and executed, this is no hyperbole, The Dark and The Wicked is one of the scariest movies of the year.
- Sonic-cinema.com: The ending is what people will remember, however, and it’s a mammoth gut punch, pulled off in a powerful, simple way that will be difficult to get out of your head.
- Thelastthingisee.com: Bertino’s supernatural horror, filtered through the lens of familial grief and trauma, is perhaps the most truly terrifying film of the year.
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