1 april 2014
Michael Walker
Parker Posey (For Your Consideration, Superman Returns, The Oh in Ohio)
Eric Mabius (Ugly Betty, Resident Evil)
Annie Parisse (Definitely, Maybe, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, National Treasure)
Josh Pais (Arbitrage, Phone Booth, The Station Agent)
Romantische komedie
Jaar: 2012

A Première TV Distribution Release

Collectie: 35 van 48

Price Check


Ondanks torenhoge schulden lijken Pete Cozy (Eric Mabius - Resident Evil, The Crow: Salvation) en zijn gezinnetje een gelukkig bestaan te leiden. Ze wonen in een gezellig huisje in de buitenwijken en Pete heeft een baan bij de aankoopdivisie van een middelgrote supermarktketen. Alles verandert echter wanneer Pete een nieuwe chef krijgt: de mooie, hyperkinetische spraakwaterval Susan Felders (Parker Posey - Party Girl, The House of yes).

Onder invloed van de onweerstaanbare Susan, begint Pete de ladder naar de top te beklimmen. Leuk en beangstigend tegelijk. Want hoe meer zijn loon en de daaraan verbonden verwachtingen stijgen, hoe minder tijd hij doorbrengt met zijn familie. Bovendien begint zijn relatie met Susan de grenzen van het professionele fatsoen aan te tasten. Hun geflirt mondt uit in een passionele affaire die zowel op de werkvloer als aan het thuisfront voor spanningen zorgt...

Price Check is een intelligente, goudeerlijke comedy die in vraag stelt wie we écht denken te zijn en waartoe we bereid zijn voor het leven dat we denken te verdienen.


  • Variety: Parker Posey grabs the role of marginally psychotic supermarket schemer Susan Felders and squeezes it like an overripe organic cantaloupe. A terrific showcase for indie princess Posey, leading a topnotch cast. Its graceful swing from giddy to sobering could appeal to a wide-ranging audience.
  • A prime example of the type of well-produced, smartly cast independent features that Sundance has been helping launch into the theatrical marketplace over the past few years.
  • Writer-director Michael Walker keeps a firm grip on his smart material, offering up big laughs, lots of recognizable behavior and, in the end, a wistful glimpse at life's inevitable priorities.
  • A hilarious Parker Posey provides her customary blast of brittle energy in 'Price Check,' an engaging corporate comedy.
  • The indie film goddess Parker Posey cuts a ferociously funny swath through Michael Walker's 'Price Check'. With its portrait of a passive-aggressive staff under the thumb of a slightly loony boss, 'Price Check' is similar to 'The Office,' though it has a sharper bite and shows a keener awareness of recession-era anxieties.
  • Urgent, persuasive, and funny. The film's talented troupe members make a convincing, bizarro staff, exploiting the airless setting with continuous laugh-out-loud results. And front and center, of course, is one faithfully avid comedienne, whose mercurial performance is a picture of multi-tasking.
  • The actors are strong and have palpable chemistry. Posey can do faux-happy bordering on dementia like no one else, and as mentioned before, this is the role she was born to play.
  • For it's outrageously funny situations, Parker Posey's dead-on performance, a full comic cast in the tradition of The Office, and a provocative subject matter, I rate Price Check three out of four cappuccinos.
  • Guided by a fireball performance from Parker Posey, 'Price Check' is uncomfortable to watch in all the good ways, finding authenticity from an ugly situation, while working through 'Office Space' particulars with a sly sense of humor and an appreciation for the humiliation and anxiety of an exhaustive 9-5 life.
  • Posey, her attention divided up into slivers, is funny as hell, but she's also terrifying in her evocation of a kind of moment-to-moment PowerPoint existence.
  • Price Check makes its unstable employer a woman, and with Parker Posey in the lead, the character is also quite funny and multidimensional for all of her abundant flaws.


  • Offical Nomination Sundance 2012


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