
At First Light

SF, Thriller
Beschikbaar voor VOD: 6 juni 2019
Regie: Jason Stone
Cast: Stefanie Scott (Beautiful Boy, Insidious 3 & 4), Theodore Pellerin (Boy Erased), Saïd Taghmaoui (Wonder Woman, The Infiltrator)

Sean en Alex zijn op de vlucht nadat Alex in contact is gekomen met mysterieuze lichten die over de stad dwalen. Ze houdt er bijgevolg bovennatuurlijke krachten aan over. Zowel hun familie, de politie als de overheid zitten achter hen aan. Wanneer Alex' krachten toenemen en hiermee ook groter gevaar woedt, moet Sean beslissen of hij bij Alex blijft om mee de waarheid te achterhalen. Zijn keuze kan al dan niet zijn dood betekenen.

  • The rare example of an understated, effectively told young-adult yarn that places emphasis on grounded characters, nuanced performances and stunning visuals over convolution and clichés, Canadian filmmaker Jason Stone’s At First Light boasts unpretentious but exciting surface-level charms.
  • Stone doesn’t explicitly ask the straightforward, big-picture questions you’ll find in a film like “Arrival.” But his attention to detail and character, and his ability to render those people in recognizable settings, is engrossing.
  • A lean, fantastical narrative, as captured with a slick look that is commendably achieved.
  • A strong design, a sensitive script and good performances elevate it far above most of its peers. It has a strong emotional resonance that will appeal to teen viewers who have an appetite for something more thoughtful than most Hollywood offerings.
  • For the diehard SF enthusiasts, this film is highly recommended.
  • Screen-Space: Feels gritty, human and real, despite its otherworldly premise. First Light builds to a soaring denouement (pumped by some demographic-appropriate musical accompaniment from M83’s Outro) that reassures the audience that, in this world or beyond, we are not alone.
  • First Light nimbly condenses similar, more complicated stories for a greater storytelling accomplishment. Stone succeeds as others have previously faltered.